Woke up this morning with a pounding headache and high bp again. Now I would have thought that it would have been less in the morning but apparently no. Your adrenalin rushes through your body when you first get up and with it up goes your blood pressure which should normalise itself a bit later.
But that's not the topic of this post...
I spent a bit of time thinking over the decades of my life and came to the conclusion that in my 20's, 30's and 40's I was very active. I loved walking and would think nothing of walking for miles but time restraints and getting lazier and older has changed the way I live.
Whereas the majority of exercise in the earlier years was aerobic exercise with a fair amount of weight training in my 30/40's in the last decade I have tended to do more stretching with yoga and pilates being my favourites. The most aerobic I have done is belly dancing which is just fun and didn't get me out of breath.
Even up to a year ago I was at least going out for walks at lunchtime - just to get away from the desk. But this past year I don't move from the office. If it wasn't for the fact that I smoke and go up and down 2 flights of stairs everytime I go for a ciggie then I wouldn't get any aerobic exercise at all!
The coach I commute on picks me up 5 minutes from my house and the walk from the coach stop to work only takes about 10 minutes.
So after Friday's shock I have purchased an exercise bike. Instead of spending 30 minutes in the morning doing other less strenuous exercises I will bike around in my conservatory while watching the morning news.
Well I've given it a go. All I managed was 4 kilometers! After I rested I decided that I should post my certificate off to work so I walked to the post office and back which took 25 minutes (and tired me out).
Boy, am I out of shape!
But there is no need to rush this. Little by little. Until I have the results from the blood tests - which should be Thursday or Friday - I won't know what I'm dealing with but in the meantime I have to do something to try and get fitter.
A lottery win and retirement wouldn't be a bad start :-)
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