Wednesday 3 September 2008

Belly Dancing

Wow I've found a great belly dancing dvd.

As my normal 'keep-fit' routine of doing pilates first thing in the morning has had to be put on hold due to 'occupational hazard' i.e. my wrist becoming weak and hurting making it nearly impossible to accomplish a lot of the movements in pilates, I have been looking for something else to do to keep the body going! Well I rather fancied the idea of doing some belly dancing (in the privacy of my own home - I don't want to scare the nation!!). Well the first dvd that I tried was ok but a bit boring and not very good at teaching the moves. So, rather than just give up, I looked for another one. This one is by a teacher called Clara and it is just what I've been after. Being restricted by time in the morning (I'm up at 5.30 and have half hour to exercise in) I needed something that could be broken down into segments and this dvd does just that. One day I do the hip movements and the next day I do the upper body movements. A bit like when I used to do weight training really - alternating different parts of the body each day.

She is a very good teacher and explains the movements in an easy to understand way. Each time she starts with a warm up (something I normally forget) and ends with a cool down (which is so relaxing). A bonus is the music which I like as well. So I may not end up looking like Shakira but at least I'll know some of the moves.....

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