Thursday 27 August 2009


Well I’ve lost count of the number of years that I’ve been doing my family tree but it’s one of those ‘hobbies’ that you pick up and put down and then pick up again at a later date.

So far I have just under 1,000 relatives on my tree and I’m back to the late 1700’s, early 1800’s. It gets far more difficult finding ancestors when you get to that era.

Due to the difficulties in finding further information and the extra work put on me in my employment my searching for ancestors ground to a halt for a while.

Then out of the blue I get approached by someone who has seen my family tree on Genes Reunited and and away I go again.

There just never seems to be enough hours in a day or days in a week to get everything that I want to do fitted in with everything I have to do.

But I keep on trying…..

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