Monday 27 December 2010

More Celebrations

A great day was had at mum's.

 Stefan, contemplating life.

 Stefan & Katie

 In his 96th year Stanley still enjoys family around.

 Mum at 84 is already thinking about a family party for her 90th!

 Kelly, Katie, Paul, Mick & Stefan

 This is four generations of females - shame I was looking down at the time!

 Couldn't leave the men out!

Me & Stef

No doubt Mum & Stanley are dozing in front of the TV now that we've come home.  I bet the place seems quiet now!

It was a great day and always a little sad when you leave.  We only get to see Mum two or three times a year and although she says it was her choice to move to the seaside I know she misses us when we go home.

Lovely day.

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