Sunday 16 May 2010

Three Weeks and Four Days

As I have spent today sorting out my holiday clothes and I still have three weeks and four days to go I guess I could be labeled as being a little big eager!

The weekend has been good with warmer weather at last but tonight we are now having a downpour. Oh well at least it waited until this evening.

Yesterday was spent delivering presents to two of the grandchildren. Amelia is 2 years old tomorrow and Oliver is 1 on the day after. Unfortunately Amelia and Poppy were at their aunts house for a birthday party so we didn't see them only Lisa and Bryce. But down at the other house Christopher, Emily and Oliver were very excited to see us and Oliver was allowed to open his present early so that we could see him play with his new toys.

I'll try and add a couple of photos once I've figured out how to get them off my new 'work' phone!

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