Friday 16 July 2010


Well if I've been a little quiet just lately it's because I'm having a go at learning html. Why? Well I've been using templates available online for websites etc and I just wanted to see if I can learn how to create them myself from scratch.

I guess I'm a bit of a 'control freak' - that is, I like to be able to control what I do - not have something control me. Well the templates are brilliant but there is only so much that you can change and then you can't alter anything else because the overall layout is normally hidden (well the designer did design it after all).

So in-between working; doing my forum; my website; and Cefe's website I am doing a course on html. Well it was Cefe's fault - again! (and mine) because I started creating a website for him from a template and wasn't happy with the way it looked.

Hence the "if you can't find what you want - do it yourself".

Who knows how long it will take............

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